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Write for humans not robots

Words from brand archetype:  experience, fulfilling, awareness, without borders, journey, adventure; imagine artisan, co-create, curator of nature, expression, technique; constantly trying to perfect

Branding - creating demand, not asking for a sale

Plan keywords - art style, niche, color, etc.

Ubersuggest keywords:  wildlife art exhibition, wildlife & art, wildlife canvas art prints, Canadian wildlife art prints, wildlife wall art, mountain wildlife wall art, outdoor wildlife wall art, art for airbnb

About Pg - HOW:  modern art form expressed traditionally, realism plus abstract; WHAT:  creativity inspired by nature; voice for the environment

FAQs or About Pg - WHY:  it is called Feathered Edge?  fragile; WHY do people need to know about my art - publicity; WHERE do you go for your art?  

What if ... ?

Decor for home, hotel, office, organization, airbnb

to be better stewards of nature/outdoors

Audience:  ranchers, historians, hunters, first nations, naturalists, fishermen, horse lovers

Geographical inspiration:  Bozeman, cheyenne, Canmore, Sandpoint, Whitefish, Kananaskis, Num-Ti-Jah

Brand collaboration:  Eddie Bauer

Org: (friends of the eastern slopes, Ya Ha Tinda)

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